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Core Visuals


The Core Visuals module in Sylvanas offers a variety of powerful visual aids to enhance your awareness during gameplay. It includes three main features: ESP, Cursor Highlighter, and Highlighter. These features are designed to help you track enemies, identify dangerous areas, and enhance your overall experience. By using the Core Visuals module, you can greatly improve your situational awareness in the game, whether it’s tracking enemy players through walls, keeping tabs on your cursor during heated moments, or avoiding dangerous zones in dungeons or PvP.

1 - ESP (Extrasensory Perception)​

The ESP feature allows you to highlight units, even through walls, making it easier to track enemy players in real-time. By default, it is configured to highlight enemy players in red, which is especially useful in Open World or Battlegrounds to quickly identify threats.

You can access the ESP settings by following this path:
Main Menu -> Core Visuals -> ESP Settings

In the ESP Settings, you will find Filters and Drawings options, which allow you to customize the ESP behavior. By default, it renders:

  • Red glow on enemy players, even through walls.
  • Distance in yards and class names of the enemies.

By default, the ESP ignores NPCs and ally players, but these settings can be customized to your preference. Additionally, you can disable the glow effect and configure ESP to only display names, health bars, or circles around enemies with customizable colors.

2 - Cursor Highlighter​

The Cursor Highlighter feature helps keep track of your cursor during intense combat. It draws a small circle around your cursor, by default in yellow, making it easy to spot while fighting.

You can modify the cursor's:

  • Color
  • Circle type
  • Size
    and more in the settings menu.

To access the Cursor Highlighter settings:
Main Menu -> Core Visuals -> Cursor Settings

By default, this feature is only active during combat, but you can adjust it to your needs.

3 - Highlighter​

The Highlighter feature is designed to show danger zones, helping you avoid harmful areas during both dungeons and PvP. It highlights dangerous areas with visual indicators, making it easier to dodge incoming threats.

This framework is still in development and requires more custom areas to be added, but it already supports some dungeon mechanics and PvP scenarios. For example, it will display a red circle around a Hunter’s freezing trap so you can avoid stepping into it.

You can access and modify the Highlighter settings here:
Main Menu -> Core Visuals -> Highlighter Settings