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Common Issues


This document provides solutions to the most common issues encountered when setting up or running Sylvanas. Follow these instructions to resolve any problems you may face.


If your issue isn’t listed here, feel free to open a ticket on our Discord server for additional assistance.

Common Errors and Fixes

ERROR 1: Network Error

If you encounter a network error, it’s often due to antivirus or firewall settings blocking Sylvanas. To fix this issue, ensure your antivirus software or firewall isn't blocking the Sylvanas connection.


This issue is especially common for users in China . If you’re located in China, you may need to use a VPN or adjust your network settings for optimal connection stability.

ERROR 2: Disable Test Signing Mode in Windows

If your system is in test signing mode, it may interfere with Sylvanas. Here’s how to disable it:

  • Open Command Prompt as Administrator.

  • Enter the following command: bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF

  • Restart your computer to apply the change.

ERROR 3: Enable Secure Boot or Disable Hyper-V in Windows Settings

Sylvanas may not function correctly if Hyper-V is enabled or if Secure Boot is disabled. To address this:

Option 1: Disable Hyper-V

  • Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  • Enter the following command:
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
  • Restart your computer.
Option 2: Enable Secure Boot

  • Restart your computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI settings (usually by pressing F2, F10, or DEL during startup).
  • Look for the Secure Boot option and ensure it is enabled.
  • Save changes and restart.

If you continue to experience issues after these steps, please reach out via Discord for further support.

ERROR 4: WoW privilege

Do you remember that pixel bot that you opened last week? Well, probably its weird bypass is messing with Sylvanas 😆.


Open WoW normally and this issue should be fixed.

If the last error line is this one instead, make sure both Loader and WoW files are in the same disk instead.

ERROR 5: Antivirus Blocking Injection

To fix this, just go to Windows Security settings and disable Real-Time protection.

ERROR 6: Game Freezes After Alt-Tabbing (DirectX Reset)

When users switch out of the game and come back (Alt+Tab), the game freezes, resets DirectX 12, and the cheat stops working. If they try to inject again, the game crashes. Minimizing the game requires starting a new session later.

Source of the Issue:
Blizzard’s mishandling of game compatibility on some Windows versions. Since Blizzard hasn’t resolved this, we’ve created a simple hotfix using a trusted method from NVIDIA.

Hotfix Steps:
Instead of doing manual registry editing, NVIDIA provides two pre-made macros that make it easier for you:
NVIDIA Fix Guide with Download Links

  1. Download and run the registry macro to apply the fix: This disables Multi-Plane Overlay (MPO), which is a setting that can cause issues when switching between full-screen apps.
  2. Restart your PC.
  3. If you experience any issues or want to undo the change, the second macro provided in the guide will safely revert the fix.

Why this Works:
Disabling Multi-Plane Overlay helps stabilize the way the game interacts with the system when switching between windows, preventing the freezing and crashing issues.

Additionally, try disabling G-Sync if the problem persists.

ERROR 7: Loader Window Hidden or Disappearing

On some Windows versions, the loader window can go black or hide behind other windows, making it hard to interact with. This often happens if you have multiple windows open and switch to another window before attaching the loader to the taskbar.

What’s Happening:
The program doesn’t immediately appear in the taskbar when launched. If another window gets in front of the loader before you manually click on it, the loader may disappear into the background or lose its window position. This is due to a complex interaction between window rendering and OS management.

We prioritize security and functionality over visual clunkiness, so addressing this issue is tricky, and it might never be fully resolved. After all, this is a hacking tool (not exactly Microsoft-certified development 😆).


  • Minimize the number of open windows or keep them hidden when launching the loader.
  • Wait for the program to fully load before interacting with any other window.
  • Click the loader window once to attach it to the taskbar and prevent it from hiding in the background.

Thanks for understanding—we’re working on bigger priorities for now.

ERROR 8: Invisible Cursor on Menu (Cursor Not Showing)

Sometimes, the cursor becomes invisible when navigating through PS’s menu. This issue is commonly caused by certain WoW settings, most notably joystick-related configurations. It’s one of many known issues reported by the WoW community.

What’s Happening:
Some settings in WoW, once enabled, can permanently alter how the game functions—even if you try to revert them. Joystick settings are a frequent culprit of this issue. Resetting WoW completely is often the only way to fix it.

How to Fix It:

  1. Backup Your Settings:

    • Navigate to your WoW installation directory and locate the WTF folder.
    • Make a backup of this folder to save your current settings.
  2. Delete All Settings:

    • Delete the WTF folder to reset the game settings to their default state.
  3. Test the Game:

    • Launch WoW and check if the invisible cursor issue is resolved.
  4. Porting Back Old Settings:

    • If the issue is fixed, gradually restore specific settings from your backup to find a comfortable configuration without reintroducing the problem.

Note: Some settings may need to be left disabled permanently to avoid the issue reappearing. Joystick settings should be among the first ones to avoid enabling.

ERROR 9: Unsupported Disk Configuration

RAID 0 Configuration or Software-Based Drive Emulation is not supported.

How to Fix:

  1. Check Your Disk Configuration

    • If you are using RAID 0, try switching to AHCI mode in BIOS and see if the issue persists.
    • If you use virtual drives or software-based RAID, disable them temporarily.
  2. Restart and Reattempt Injection

    • Try restarting your computer and injecting again.
  3. Still Not Working?

    • If the error persists, open a ticket so we can investigate further.

ERROR 10: My Game Crashes

If your game is crashing, we need as much detail as possible to properly investigate and provide a fix.

How to Report a Crash:

  1. Open a New Thread in the #report-issues section on Discord.
  2. Provide Your Username so we can check logs if needed.
  3. Describe the Crash in Detail:
    • Did the game freeze?
      • The game window turns white and stops responding.
      • You are forced to close the game manually because it’s stuck.
    • Did the game crash?
      • The game closes suddenly.
      • You see a WoW native error or a pop-up saying,
        "Information is sent to the server automatically".

Additional Help:

  • Screenshots of any error messages help us identify the problem faster.
  • If the crash has a specific pattern (happens only when injecting, during gameplay, or after a specific action), let us know.

By providing accurate details, we can troubleshoot the issue effectively.

ERROR 11: In-Game Issue or Missing Feature

If you’re experiencing problems with a rotation, expected more damage output, notice a spell not being cast correctly, or feel like a feature is missing—such as an auto stealth toggle or helpful visual indicators—please report it so we can take a look.

How to Report an Issue or Suggest a Feature:

  1. Go to Discord and open a thread in #report-issues.
  2. Describe the issue in detail:
    • What is happening vs. what you expected to happen?
    • Is a spell missing or being cast incorrectly?
    • Is there a feature you’ve seen elsewhere that would be useful?

No Judgment – Just Help

The worst that can happen? We point out a similar feature you might have missed or explain why the behavior is actually correct. If your request is valid, we’ll gladly add it as soon as possible!

Issue Tracking & Resolution

  • We try to always keep reports open until both sides agree:
    ✅ The feature already exists / something very similar is available.
    ✅ After discussion, the issue doesn’t seem like a real problem anymore.
    ✅ The issue is fixed and the reporter confirms it works.

Please Be Patient

🚨 We currently have 1,500+ users and are drowning in reports. Some fixes take a few days, while others may take weeks. There’s no quick solution to this, but we appreciate reasonable requests and your patience.

If your issue isn’t resolved by any of the steps listed here, don’t hesitate to contact us on Discord. We’ll be happy to help!