Dungeons Helper
The Dungeons Helper module provides a comprehensive set of utility functions that aims to make your life easier when trying to gather information about dungeons. Below, we'll explore its functionality.
Including the Module
As with all other LUA modules developed by us, you will need to import the Dungeons Helper module into your project. To do so, you can use the following lines:
---@type dungeons_helper
local dungeons_helper = require("common/utility/dungeons_helper")
To access the module's functions, you must use :
instead of .
For example, this code is not correct:
---@type dungeons_helper
local dungeons_helper = require("common/utility/dungeons_helper")
local function check_if_player(unit)
return dungeons_helper.is_mythic_dungeon(unit)
And this would be the corrected code:
---@type inventory_helper
local dungeons_helper = require("common/utility/dungeons_helper")
local function is_player_in_mythic_dungeon()
return dungeons_helper:is_mythic_dungeon()
is_mythic_dungeon() -> boolean
Returns true if the local player is currently in a Mythic dungeon.
- Returns:
- boolean -> True if the local player is currently in a Mythic dungeon, false otherwise.
get_mythic_key_level() -> integer
Retrieves the key level of the current Mythic dungeon.
- Returns:
key level
integer: The key level of the current Mythic dungeon.
is_kite_exception() -> boolean
Checks if we are on kite exception.
- Returns:
- boolean: If we are on kite exception.
- game_object | nil:
- game_object | nil:
is_kikatal_near_cosmic_cast(energy_threshold: number) -> boolean
Checks if kikatal is near a cosmic cast within a given energy threshold.
- Returns:
- boolean: If Kikatal is near cosmic cast.
- game_object | nil:
is_kikatal_grasping_blood_exception() -> boolean, game_object | nil, game_object | nil
Checks if we are under a kikatal grasping blood exception.
- Returns:
- boolean: If Kikatal is near cosmic cast.
- game_object | nil:
- game_object | nil: