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Inventory Helper


The Inventory Helper module provides a comprehensive set of utility functions that aims to make your life easier when working with items. Below, we'll explore its functionality.

Including the Moduleโ€‹

As with all other LUA modules developed by us, you will need to import the Inventory Helper module into your project. To do so, you can use the following lines:

---@type inventory_helper
local inventory_helper = require("common/utility/inventory_helper")

To access the module's functions, you must use : instead of .

For example, this code is not correct:

---@type inventory_helper
local inventory_helper = require("common/utility/pvp_helper")

local function check_if_player(unit)
return inventory_helper.get_bank_slots(unit)

And this would be the corrected code:

---@type inventory_helper
local inventory_helper = require("common/utility/pvp_helper")

local function check_if_player(unit)
return inventory_helper:get_bank_slots(unit)


get_all_slots() -> table<slot_data>โ€‹

Retrieves all item slots available to the player, including both character bags and bank slots.

  • Returns:
    • slots (table<slot_data>): A table containing slot data for all items.

get_character_bag_slots() -> table<slot_data>โ€‹

Retrieves all item slots from the character's bags, excluding bank slots.

  • Returns:
    • slots (table<slot_data>): A table containing slot data for items in character bags.

get_bank_slots() -> table<slot_data>โ€‹

Retrieves all item slots from the bank.

  • Returns:
    • slots (table<slot_data>): A table containing slot data for items in the bank.

get_current_consumables_list() -> table<consumable_data>โ€‹

Retrieves a list of consumables currently in the player's inventory.

  • Returns:
    • consumables (table<consumable_data>): A table containing data for each consumable item.


Updates the internal list of consumables. Call this function whenever the inventory changes to refresh the consumables list.


---@type inventory_helper
local inventory_helper = require("common/utility/pvp_helper")

-- After picking up new consumables


Prints the current consumables list to the debug log for debugging purposes.

Data Structuresโ€‹

Slot Data Structure ๐ŸŽ’โ€‹

The slot_data class represents an item slot in the inventory or bank.


  • item (game_object): The item object in this slot.
  • global_slot (number): Global slot identifier.
  • bag_id (integer): ID of the bag containing the item.
  • bag_slot (integer): Slot number within the bag.
  • stack_count (integer): Stack count of the item in this slot.


local slot = all_slots[1]
core.log("Item: " .. slot.item:get_name())
core.log("Stack Count: " .. tostring(slot.stack_count))

Consumable Data Structure ๐Ÿงชโ€‹

The consumable_data class represents a consumable item in the inventory.


  • is_mana_potion (boolean): Whether the item is a mana potion.
  • is_health_potion (boolean): Whether the item is a health potion.
  • is_damage_bonus_potion (boolean): Whether the item is a damage bonus potion.
  • item (game_object): The item object for the consumable.
  • bag_id (integer): ID of the bag containing the item.
  • bag_slot (integer): Slot number within the bag.
  • stack_count (integer): Stack count of the item in this slot.


Iterating Over All Inventory Slotsโ€‹

---@type inventory_helper
local inventory = require("common/utility/inventory_helper")

local function print_all_items()
local all_slots = inventory:get_all_slots()
for _, slot in ipairs(all_slots) do
core.log("Item: " .. slot.item:get_name() .. " in slot: " .. tostring(slot.global_slot))
