PvP Helper Library
The PVP Helper module provides a comprehensive set of utility functions and data structures for working with player-versus-player (PVP) scenarios in Sylvanas. This module simplifies tasks such as identifying PVP players, checking crowd control statuses, handling damage reductions, and managing PVP-specific buffs and debuffs. Below, we'll explore its core functions and how to effectively utilize them.
Including the Module
As with all other LUA modules developed by us, you will need to import the PVP Helper module into your project. To do so, you can use the following lines:
---@type pvp_helper
local pvp_helper = require("common/utility/pvp_helper")
To access the module's functions, you must use :
instead of .
For example, this code is not correct:
---@type pvp_helper
local pvp_helper = require("common/utility/pvp_helper")
local function check_if_player(unit)
return pvp_helper.is_player(unit)
And this would be the corrected code:
---@type pvp_helper
local pvp_helper = require("common/utility/pvp_helper")
local function check_if_player(unit)
return pvp_helper:is_player(unit)
Player Identification Functions 👤
is_player(unit: game_object) -> boolean
Determines if the given unit
is a player character.
local is_unit_player = pvp_helper:is_player(unit)
if is_unit_player then
core.log("The unit is a player.")
is_pvp_scenario() -> boolean
Determines if the current scenario is a PVP situation.
local is_pvp_scenario = pvp_helper:is_pvp_scenario()
if is_pvp_scenario then
core.log("Engaging in PVP combat.")
Crowd Control Functions 🌀
The PVP Helper provides extensive functionality for handling crowd control (CC) effects. It uses a set of CC flags to categorize different types of CC.
CC Flags
The module defines a cc_flags
table containing various CC types as flags:
pvp_helper.cc_flags.MAGICAL -- Magical CC effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.PHYSICAL -- Physical CC effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.SLOW -- Slow effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.ROOT -- Root effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.STUN -- Stun effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.INCAPACITATE -- Incapacitate effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.DISORIENT -- Disorient effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.FEAR -- Fear effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.SAP -- Sap effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.CYCLONE -- Cyclone effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.KICK -- Kick effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.SILENCE -- Silence effects
pvp_helper.cc_flags.ANY -- Any CC effect
pvp_helper.cc_flags.ANY_BUT_SLOW -- Any CC effect except slows
You can combine multiple CC flags using the combine
local combined_flags = pvp_helper.cc_flags:combine("STUN", "ROOT")
CC Flag Descriptions
You can access human-readable descriptions of CC flags:
local cc_description = pvp_helper.cc_flag_descriptions[pvp_helper.cc_flags.STUN]
is_crowd_controlled(unit: game_object, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> boolean, number, number
Determines if the unit
is under any crowd control effect specified by type_flags
): Whether the unit is crowd controlled.current_remaining_ms
): The remaining duration of the CC in milliseconds.expire_time
): The timestamp when the CC effect will expire.
): Unit to check CC data.type_flags
, optional): CC flags to check for. Defaults topvp_helper.cc_flags.ANY
, optional): Minimum remaining duration in milliseconds.
local is_cced, remaining_ms, expire_time = pvp_helper:is_crowd_controlled(enemy_unit, pvp_helper.cc_flags.STUN)
if is_cced then
core.log("Enemy is stunned for " .. (remaining_ms / 1000) .. " seconds.")
is_cc_immune(unit: game_object, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> boolean, number, number
Determines if the unit
is immune to any crowd control effects specified by type_flags
local is_immune, remaining_ms, expire_time = pvp_helper:is_cc_immune(enemy_unit, pvp_helper.cc_flags.ROOT)
if is_immune then
core.log("Enemy is immune to roots.")
get_cc_reduction_mult(unit: game_object, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> number, number, number
Gets the CC reduction multiplier for the unit
- Returns:
): The reduction multiplier (e.g.,0.5
means 50% reduction).current_remaining_ms
): Remaining duration in milliseconds.expire_time
): The timestamp when the effect expires.
local reduction_mult = pvp_helper:get_cc_reduction_mult(enemy_unit)
if reduction_mult < 1 then
core.log("Enemy has CC reduction: " .. ((1 - reduction_mult) * 100) .. "%")
get_cc_reduction_percentage(unit: game_object, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> number, number, number
Gets the CC reduction percentage for the unit
local reduction_pct = pvp_helper:get_cc_reduction_percentage(enemy_unit)
if reduction_pct > 0 then
core.log("Enemy's CC duration is reduced by " .. (reduction_pct * 100) .. "%")
has_cc_reduction(unit: game_object, threshold?: number, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> boolean, number, number
Checks if the unit
has any CC reduction above a certain threshold
- Parameters:
, optional): The minimum reduction multiplier to consider. Defaults to0
local has_reduction = pvp_helper:has_cc_reduction(enemy_unit, 0.2)
if has_reduction then
core.log("Enemy has significant CC reduction.")
is_slow(unit: game_object, threshold?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> boolean, number, number
Determines if the unit
is affected by a slowing effect.
- Parameters:
, optional): The minimum slow percentage to consider.min_remaining
, optional): Minimum remaining duration in milliseconds.
local is_slowed, slow_pct, expire_time = pvp_helper:is_slow(enemy_unit, 0.5)
if is_slowed then
core.log("Enemy is slowed by at least 50%")
get_slow_percentage(unit: game_object, min_remaining?: number) -> number, number
Gets the slow percentage applied to the unit
- Returns:
): The slow percentage (e.g.,0.3
for 30% slow).expire_time
): The timestamp when the slow effect expires.
local slow_pct, expire_time = pvp_helper:get_slow_percentage(enemy_unit)
if slow_pct > 0 then
core.log("Enemy is slowed by " .. (slow_pct * 100) .. "%")
Damage Reduction Functions 🛡️
The module provides functions to handle damage reduction effects, helping you determine if an enemy has active damage reduction buffs.
Damage Type Flags
Similar to CC flags, damage type flags categorize types of damage:
pvp_helper.damage_type_flags.PHYSICAL -- Physical damage
pvp_helper.damage_type_flags.MAGICAL -- Magical damage
pvp_helper.damage_type_flags.ANY -- Any damage type
pvp_helper.damage_type_flags.BOTH -- Both physical and magical damage
You can combine multiple damage type flags:
local combined_damage_flags = pvp_helper.damage_type_flags:combine("PHYSICAL", "MAGICAL")
get_damage_reduction_mult(unit: game_object, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> number, number, number
Gets the damage reduction multiplier for the unit
- Returns:
): Damage reduction multiplier (e.g.,0.8
means 20% damage reduction).current_remaining_ms
): Remaining duration in milliseconds.expire_time
): The timestamp when the effect expires.
local reduction_mult = pvp_helper:get_damage_reduction_mult(enemy_unit)
if reduction_mult < 1 then
core.log("Enemy has damage reduction: " .. ((1 - reduction_mult) * 100) .. "%")
get_damage_reduction_percentage(unit: game_object, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> number, number, number
Gets the damage reduction percentage for the unit
local reduction_pct = pvp_helper:get_damage_reduction_percentage(enemy_unit)
if reduction_pct > 0 then
core.log("Enemy's damage taken is reduced by " .. (reduction_pct * 100) .. "%")
has_damage_reduction(unit: game_object, threshold?: number, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> boolean, number, number
Checks if the unit
has any damage reduction above a certain threshold
- Parameters:
, optional): The minimum reduction multiplier to consider. Defaults to0
local has_reduction = pvp_helper:has_damage_reduction(enemy_unit, 0.2)
if has_reduction then
core.log("Enemy has significant damage reduction.")
is_damage_immune(unit: game_object, type_flags?: number, min_remaining?: number) -> boolean, number, number
Determines if the unit
is immune to any damage specified by type_flags
local is_immune, remaining_ms, expire_time = pvp_helper:is_damage_immune(enemy_unit, pvp_helper.damage_type_flags.MAGICAL)
if is_immune then
core.log("Enemy is immune to magical damage.")
Offensive Cooldown Functions 🔥
A table containing information about offensive cooldown buffs.
for _, cooldown in pairs(pvp_helper.offensive_cooldowns) do
core.log("Offensive cooldown: " .. cooldown.buff_name)
has_offensive_cooldown_active(unit: game_object, min_remaining?: number) -> boolean
Checks if the unit
has any offensive cooldowns active.
local has_off_cd = pvp_helper:has_offensive_cooldown_active(enemy_unit)
if has_off_cd then
core.log("Enemy has an offensive cooldown active.")
Purgeable Buffs Functions ✨
A list of buffs that can be purged from a unit.
is_purgeable(unit: game_object, min_remaining?: number) -> {is_purgeable: boolean, table: {buff_id: number, buff_name: string, priority: number, min_remaining: number}?, current_remaining_ms: number, expire_time: number}
Determines if the unit
has any purgeable buffs.
- Returns:
): Whether the unit has a purgeable buff.table
): Details about the purgeable buff.current_remaining_ms
): Remaining duration in milliseconds.expire_time
): The timestamp when the buff expires.
local purge_info = pvp_helper:is_purgeable(enemy_unit)
if purge_info.is_purgeable then
core.log("Enemy has a purgeable buff: " .. purge_info.table.buff_name)
Utility Functions 🛠️
get_combined_cc_descriptions(type: number) -> string
Gets a combined description of CC types based on the type
local cc_description = pvp_helper:get_combined_cc_descriptions(pvp_helper.cc_flags:combine("STUN", "ROOT"))
core.log("CC types: " .. cc_description)
get_combined_damage_type_descriptions(type: number) -> string
Gets a combined description of damage types based on the type
local damage_description = pvp_helper:get_combined_damage_type_descriptions(pvp_helper.damage_type_flags.BOTH)
core.log("Damage types: " .. damage_description)
Data Structures
CC Flags Table 🏳️
The cc_flags
table is a collection of CC type flags used by the module.
): Represents magical CC effects.PHYSICAL
): Represents physical CC effects.SLOW
): Represents slow effects.ROOT
): Represents root effects.STUN
): Represents stun effects.INCAPACITATE
): Represents incapacitate effects.DISORIENT
): Represents disorient effects.FEAR
): Represents fear effects.SAP
): Represents sap effects.CYCLONE
): Represents cyclone effects.KICK
): Represents kick effects.SILENCE
): Represents silence effects.ANY
): Represents any CC effect.ANY_BUT_SLOW
): Represents any CC effect except slows.
combine(...: string) -> number
: Combines multiple CC flags into a single flag value.
Damage Type Flags Table 💥
The damage_type_flags
table is a collection of damage type flags used by the module.
): Represents physical damage.MAGICAL
): Represents magical damage.ANY
): Represents any damage type.BOTH
): Represents both physical and magical damage.
combine(...: string) -> number
: Combines multiple damage type flags into a single flag value.
Checking if a Unit is Under CC
---@type pvp_helper
local pvp_helper = require("common/utility/pvp_helper")
local function is_enemy_stunned(enemy_unit)
local is_cced = pvp_helper:is_crowd_controlled(enemy_unit, pvp_helper.cc_flags.STUN)
return is_cced
Applying Logic Based on Damage Reduction
local function should_cast_big_damage(enemy_unit)
local has_reduction = pvp_helper:has_damage_reduction(enemy_unit, 0.3)
return not has_reduction
Checking for Purgeable Buffs
local function can_purge(enemy_unit)
local purge_info = pvp_helper:is_purgeable(enemy_unit)
return purge_info.is_purgeable
Tips and Notes
- Always ensure you're using the correct CC or damage type flags when checking for effects.
- Utilize the
function to check for multiple types simultaneously. - Remember to consider
durations if you're interested in effects that last beyond a certain time frame.